26 June 2010


at last! I have a blog already! :))

I'm 19 years old, and I have just started a blog.

How early? or.. Why so late?

Late. For the past years, when I have come to know about blogging, I just hate it. Because I know blogging and me are mortal enemies. I'm not a diary person. I'm too lazy for this stuffs. I hate exposing too much of me. I suck in composing things. I'm scared of being judged with what I have just wrote. I'm not creative that I don't know how to put style or those HTMLs that I still couldn't get on web pages. And it would either no one would read this or a lot would. And, I think this is corny.

But I'm in so much pain or joy that I need someone or something to share it with. And blogging is the easy solution for that.

Actually, I have always thought of having a blog when I feel so sad or so happy. But I just couldn't pursue it because I'm just TOO LAZY. How did I end up doing this?

**062210. Computer Lab, ALbertus Magnus Building, UST.
--Our computer class is like a free time for us to just browse the net. Unfortunately, the social networking sites are blocked. That day, we were doing a seat work and I was done already and I was bored. So I browsed and browsed.. I searched for my best friend's blog, http://www.bombastarr.blogspot.com/, and read almost all her blogs. I enjoyed reading and I envied. Without even thinking, I found myself signing up. And here I am, writing my starter.

Now that I'm in, I couldn't see an exit.

I'm just so ecstatic right now that I'm about to post this and a second post will come right away. in 10..