12 February 2017


Dear Future Valentine,

Maybe it's Wicked the musical back in Manila, the 25th wedding anniversary I attended, and Valentine's Day is only days away, that I am seriously thinking about you. Three years ago, I ticked off on my bucket list watching Wicked as a gift to my ex-boyfriend, which actually started my biggest heartbreak, but the best ending was it led me to my one true love - Jesus. Now, after three years, I have been content and patient in waiting for you, and I know I can still wait longer until He allows our paths to meet. 

I am rarely concerned with the matters of my heart, but all these "Wicked et al" feels brought out the hopeless romantic in me. Maybe you would stumble upon this and together we would be amazed on the Lord's faithfulness; but whether there is a you or none, I am secured that His amazing plans will satisfy me. So, talking to the imaginary you made me wonder if we haven't met or been friends for a long time. I wonder if you are single or in a relationship with someone else, what is keeping you busy, and how you are waiting for me too. I wonder more how we will reach that intersection or spark that will last a lifetime. Nakakakilig! With all honesty, I care less about the looks and life status, but I do hope you have a relationship with the Lord by now. Honesty strikes again: I am certain I wouldn't be attracted to you if you are not intimate with Him and passionate in His ministry. 

Considering the idea that you know less to none of me yet, I am a follower of Jesus Christ and found my purpose in witnessing for Him. My heart? As of writing, I am completely sure that there are no desires yet for me to settle or commit in the next weeks, months or probably this year. This passive heart is not traumatized anymore, rather as I am aligning myself to the Lord, He conditions it to remain satisfied in being single. I have many edges to smoothed out and priorities to handle. Been very burdensome lately that maybe if you are right beside me it would feel lighter, but that is a contrast to the love we are called for. And I don't want to be unfair to you. However, this gives me peace that we are in the right place and time to not be together yet. A wonderful season to maximize our exclusivity with God. 

Or maybe you know me, been attracted to me, or even praying intently for me now, I say don't fret even if I am dodging any attention. The main purpose of this capsule letter is to encourage you (both of us) with a (informal yet quasi-public) commitment that we are worth the mile-long patience. I promise to stay pure on how I think, speak and act; level up my household and cooking skills; do the things I like to do alone; stand firm on my conviction on dealing with other men; be more caring, loving, understanding, patient, and all other good qualities you seem fit for you. With the Lord's perfect hands molding me, I am sure this time-consuming work is for our good. 

What do you do? Oh, I have my preference list, but my hopeless-romantic self wants to be surprised on our compatibility. Arte I know! All I can say is wait joyfully as well on the Lord - there is no better advice I guess. Simply be you, enjoy the hobbies you really like and discover more. Don't adjust to be on the same page as me based on what you see on social media or on short convos we may have shared. What excites me a lot are new things I will learn from you.  I can wait to do #godlyrelationship stuff with you: study God's Word, worship side by side, serve the ministry in bible study or outreach, and pray hand in hand. Those romantic things to the simplest things: laugh endlessly on long rides in traffic, eat good and bad food, do groceries, cheer you up after a long day, introduce you to surfing (haha), or spend a really lovely Valentines day date. Oh, I CAN wait for these.

See, I am seriously thinking of you that I am able to write you a lengthy letter. And I have much more to say actually, but I need to pull myself back to the reality. Maybe there will be a you or none at all by God's perfect will which I am 100% fine (swear!). Yea, these "Wicked et al" feels are to blame but I am thankful for the extra guard it brought my heart for something worth the wait - maybe you need it too. 

Your Forever Valentine

All from and for Him.