29 July 2019


Dear Awesome,

How I wish I can tell you that I am so happy to witness you be annoyingly awesome facilitating the workshop for our retreat. You are gifted with public speaking and charm (ugh) to make sure the program run, not just smoothly, but also engaging. You were so candid, funny (but few jokes were off, but I'll let it pass), smart that-I-don't-even-have-to-say-it, and endearing making everyone actively participate. I don't know if you see my smiles, but my heart is beaming with joy to have a good view of how well you did on stage. 

How I wish I can celebrate with you to see God's faithfulness unfold in your life. Well, I am not aware of how you have been lately, but with what I see, it is worth praising God. You were made to speak truth, serve others and share Jesus - I believed in this long ago.

How I wish I can cheer you on more. This makes me cry every single time.. I might sound possessive but please hear me out; to have seen you walk through dark valleys with a heart filled with so much hope, I share that hope for victory as well. And we went through seasons of trial like at the same time, so hidden at the bottom of my heart, I hoped we taste breakthroughs together (separately) too. I want to affirm you (with so much sarcasm, of course) because I know you have that tendency to still doubt God and yourself. Whatever it is to help, how I wish I can lend a hand, ear and encouragement. 

I don't know how you think of me or if you even think of me. I absolutely notice and took note how you are not supporting my work for quite a while now. I know I am trying to clear my social media about you, but it hasn't lessen in any way my care for you. So maybe, you avoiding me is an indication that yours has lessened. This I fully accept. What is important is to see God's will come to pass for our lives because of our obedience. 

As tears seal this letter, how I wish I can tell you all these someday, somehow. Maybe or maybe not..


All from and for Him.