11 October 2015


And stealing is a SIN, and sin hurts not just others but GOD.

I guess we all know what gossip is and, HOPEFULLY, know that it is no good. What I discovered when I became a Christian is how serious gossip is to be considered a sin. How? (this is fresh from the message in the Sunday Service awhile ago at CCF) Gossip is an act of stealing truth, and we are all commanded not to steal (Exodus 20:15). What I see as the struggle is identifying a gossip. Based on my bible readings, two things must be considered: intention and content. Just thinking of these two takes a lot of wisdom from the Holy Spirit. So, here goes a story of how my perspectives changed on gossip - and other things, because of grace..

Our intern had negative remarks about me (no need to share what it was) that she told to her fellow intern, who shared it to the Human Resource supervisor, who then reported it to my boss, and eventually came to my knowledge. The transition of the message happened in just a day. It was that fast. Honestly, I didn't expect that remark from her so I felt so sad (I'll tell why later). I had a heavy heart coming out of my boss' office, and I was hearing God calling me to be quiet in Him through prayer. Here are what I heard from God:

1. Live like a Christian. As in grounded, like God pulled me back so hard from my self-righteousness. This situation reminded me of my life purpose which is to live for His glory in all things I do - wherever and whenever. The workplace is definitely the biggest opportunity for me live my purpose since I spend most of my days there. My workmates, including this intern, were aware of how I am taking my faith seriously. I realized I was failing because I wasn't being a good testimony. I was so insensitive with my words and actions, not noticing I wasn't being a good mentor to this girl. I was so caught up with my own stresses that is affecting someone negatively. Definitely, a heart check moment but I still felt loved knowing God's love disciplines. He wants to keep me right on track in my walk towards Him.

2. Peace in putting God first. I have all the chance to share this story to my workmates and friends. I can make a huge deal about it actually. However, God called me to keep it between us. If it was the old HOPE, it would've been a big deal and our intern will be hated on. In that moment, the Holy Spirit tamed my tongue and cleansed my heart from any hatred. I was even compelled to talk to her and say sorry. The following day I confronted her to apologize and clear things out. This I tell you, the conversation was beyond pleasant! Since it was intentional and centered on Christ, there was peace in our hearts. I was spared from committing same sin that started the problem. Also, I was at peace having only God's voice in mind and speaking through me in our talk. No worldly, unsolicited advice from people who are imperfect like me. Now that everything is fixed, the incident becomes a testimony worthy of blogging.

3.  Be accountable to oneself. Of my words and actions like what I said in the first point. The main reason why I was sad because, knowing she's also an active servant of Christ, I had expectations that 1) she will never say or do such thing; and 2) we have this "secret understanding and connection" because of faith. But in the end,  I was only disappointed of myself. She definitely didn't mean harm to me. She was just honest about her feelings and got careless of how it came across when she shared it to her friend. We all stumble like that. So, I take full responsibility of what happened because it wouldn't have happened if I was thinking of point # 1 in the first place. And, why would I pass my duty of loving to others? I need to stand up to everything word and action because I am carrying Christ's name, which relates to obeying commandment # 2 - "You shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain." Exodus 20:7

4. Stop gossiping. There's nothing wrong in sharing emotions to family or friends. But always consider the intention. It is really important to have an intimate relationship with God to purify our thoughts, words and actions. See, there was no harm meant but, since it turned to a gossip, it came across differently. And if the reason why we confide our feelings with others is for comfort, then God is the ultimate comforter there is. (Psalms 34:8) Or maybe just to rant? Then the more it becomes unreasonable. There is definitely joy and peace with a clean heart.

This gossip incident definitely turned to be a blessing as I learned to value my relationship to God and others. Both the intern and I apologized to each other and closed in prayer. Words are deadly indeed, so THINK if what we are about to say is - Truth, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind. (learning from Sunday Service message)

Ephesians 4: 29 " Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

All Him and for Him.