10 January 2015


"For we speak as messengers approved by God to be entrusted with the Good News. Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts" 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Part of my 2015 goals is a stronger relationship with my God through commitment in my DGroup, participation in Saturday Singles Ministry, Sunday Services at CCF, attend the retreat, and faithfully reading the bible. I feel so blessed that CCF has an annual prayer fasting week activity for January 5-10 - a good way to start the year. In my likeness to participate, I learned that I had to sacrifice one, great thing in my daily routine, wherein I chose to have only 1 full meal a day, give up my beloved iced tea, sweets, or any other pleasures like going to malls, coffee shops and other unnecessary spending. We were provided with a booklet with passages to read, reflection points and prayer guide. I am now on my last day, actually even just on the 1st day, I have learned so many things in this 6-day spiritual immersion.

I am human and there is God. Eating only 1 meal a day really took a toll in me - physically. Prayer fasting is not an excuse to rest. I needed to go to work, comprehend on so many things, face the temptations of the world and only get 4-hours of sleep. There I knew I am a weak person, and found the essence of fasting. In my weakest moments, I turned to prayer. Some may say it's all in the mind, but every plea of sustaining me throughout the day, I found an unexplained strength to get thru the day. I realized His power is so great and that we are nothing without Him.

To speak about Him, is to know Him truthfully. There is only one way of being getting to know Him, it is through the bible. I have a long way to go, but I will get there.

Prayer in everything. This fasting taught me to be spiritual. To seek Him, not just on a daily basis, but in every situation. I also learned to be selfless, to pray for each of my loved ones and even those I don't know but who definitely needed it the most. And, that prayer is so powerful. Answers may not happen now or exactly, but God listens. 

I am blessed. As I can still eat one full meal a day, while others can't even consume water. Appreciating my life even more now, for the comfort and pleasures I get to enjoy. My thirst to help others has grown. It would be another desire to help the less fortunate people very soon.

God loves me. That one fact is just enough. It is written in His word, I felt it tremendously these past 6 days, and His promise of a fulfilling life is a testament to it.

Faith without action is definitely nothing. For I know Him more now, means I already have the responsibility of sharing Him to others. I may not feel be the most religious-looking person, or not given by the Holy Spirit the gift of evangelizing, though I know it is every Christian's purpose to call on more people to walk with Christ. And I knew God spoke to me to that I have the resources to do so - that is to tell my story. Of how I found Him, He is working in me and my growing commitment to Him.