29 June 2012


I am back, bloggie!

It's been awhile since I opened this blog, changed the layout, posted something and cared at all.

I have never forgotten about my "own website", well because it's indicated in my Twitter URL description and this is important me, so no worries of neglecting. Just this week, I told myself to get my ass back to blogging again to exercise my brain and muscles (only on the hands though) while I'm bumming around because of unemployment. Finally, I did it! Here I am starting my comeback blog post.

Just to share, few minutes ago, I think I was almost eaten alive by the new interface of BLOGGER! Nothing is really permanent in this world. While twitter is changing its layout every month and Facebook is just changing every second, Blogger is going with the consistent change activity of social media.

I have no plans of making my blog tasteful to the eyes in terms of its layout, but my eyes can't bare seeing those books on the background and the orange motif of my old layout. Maybe that's the reason why few reads my blog and hates it. Anyway, TA-DA! Simple, clean and plain. Like there's no effort added? But I tell you guys, I spend more than 30 minutes finishing it!

When I asked myself why I haven't updated my blog that long, I really don't know why. Honestly, I just got busy and lazy (more of lazy actually). But a lot has happened in the past few months that is why I hate myself for not blogging it down! I won't promise but I will try starting now.

I really want to keep this short. I will just let my next posts tell stories, burst ideas and questions, and share HOPE.

Before I end this, there's just one song that I get inspiration and motivation to keep moving despite the devastation of waiting for the BIG CAREER BREAK.

Dare You To Move by Switchfoot
"I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor. I dare you to move, I dare you to move like today never happened.."